I am still going through a rough patch. Boy oh boy, life can be tough! As life keeps unfolding in front of me in ways I didn’t plan, I am having to change with life. I am now giving in to the notion that what is “IS” (and life is the way it is – good and bad), so let what is, be. As I accept what is, I don’t have to fight life, and it is easier to be. I can take “what is” and use it as a starting place. It is MUCH easier than pretending things aren’t the way they are, or trying to “believe” they are another way. I’m trying my best to use all this angst in my work!
Speaking of work, here’s a brief update:
I am one of 4 “Featured Artists” on the internet radio station, Logical Radio (www.logicalradio.com). I’m featured along with Happy Rhodes, who is one of my very favorite artists! What an honor to be along side Happy! If you get a chance, please check out the station, and you can even request a song of mine!
I continue to write new songs for my second CD, which is still scheduled to start recording in July. I’m still having trouble getting a band for live gigs to promote “Infinite Man” – but I’m NOT giving up!!
On the acting front, my Improv show ended very successfully! And I’ve been asked to return to “Bang!” to create a new show in August. More on that in the next few weeks.
My short film “Lonely Boy” is finished, and I’ve started to submit it to film festivals. I’ll keep you posted on that as well. Also, THANKS to all of you who sent me your thoughts on the acting vs. music website. I deeply appreciate your words. For now, I’m leaving things as is. Perhaps in the near future I will have a site devoted to my acting career.
In the meantime, I’ll end with this GREAT quote from Willa Cather! I love it because it points to how we are all the same no matter what our lives are like…
“There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.”
– Willa Cather
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