I thought I’d better write a blog to update things since I have a lot of unanswered messages, emails and comments on MySpace. This should bring everyone up to date. Unfortunately, I’ve been sick since December 26th. I think I got an infection from a simple medical procedure I had the week before. As a result, I had a horrible, high fever, and lost my voice completely. Can’t speak, can’t sing. It was so bad (and I couldn’t shake the fever) I had to go to the emergency room. My voice still isn’t back – and neither is my energy, but I am slowly getting better. This came just as I was scheduled to record the vocals for the final 2 songs for my upcoming CD. I was due to finish them the last week of December. Oh well. One of those lemons (mentioned in my previous blog) I guess. Nothing like life to test a person!! I don’t have much choice but go with the flow at this point. I’m hoping my voice will be back (speaking) by next week, and hopefully I’ll be singing a week or so after that. Now that my voice is gone, I realize just how much joy and life it brings me to sing. Hopefully I’ll be back and “running” soon! Just thought I’d let you all know the reason for my lack of communication.
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