This internet world is still a struggle for me. I’ve been so horrible about blogging this past year, and only a little better with social media. Something shifted at one point and I couldn’t find anything I cared to write about. I’ve never been good at small talk, and I guess that goes for blogging and status updates as well! At some point, I need to give in and just write. Well, tonight I’m doing just that. I’ve no agenda of what to write about, other than the need to connect with my subscribers (I haven’t forgotten about you – and am SO grateful you are still there)!
If you haven’t been following me on Facebook or Twitter, you may not know that my live show “Mental Creatures” was a huge success! It was definitely one of the high points for me as an artist. The show moved so many people very deeply – something I was not expecting. EVERY show people were in tears, and came up to talk to me after the show but couldn’t speak. And many people came to see the show more than one time. The three comments I received over and over were, “I’m blown away”, “I’m so moved” and “I’m so inspired’. I couldn’t ask for more than that! People still talk to me about the show, and everyone asks me if I will do it again. I am in the process of speaking with theaters and theater people about where and how to launch “Mental Creatures” again. I can’t produce it again myself, so I’m trying to find a home for it at a theater that is looking to produce a show like it. I will definitely post any solid information as soon as it comes about. There is a website, where you can see video of the show, read reviews, see photos and more. Be sure to check it out.
I got some big news this week! Pandora has requested my latest CD, “Peace At Last” for rotation on their stations! I am thrilled!! If any of you listen to Pandora, and hear my songs, please hit the “LIKE” button – so my songs with stay in rotation. I’m so happy my music will reach such a large audience. This is fantastic!
The other “news” that is making me very happy, is that I am currently in the recording studio working on CD number 5. It is going very well! I am truly happiest when I am creating. I’m working with producer Soren Young, who also produced my last CD, “Peace At Last”. We are continuing the sound from that CD, and going a little more pop and with a bit more classical orchestration. So far, it is turning out to be a beautiful CD. I am loving working on it.
And tonight I was the guest on the “Hollywood Unloaded” podcast. It was hosted by Doug White, and a panel of three others, and I had a blast! It was a video podcast (my first – I’ve done only radio podcasts before). I believe it will be online at some point, and when it is I’ll post the link on my site.
No promises about how often I’ll write my blog – I don’t want to get my hopes up. But I do have an urge to connect with my fans, and that is one thing I need to better embrace about the internet world we live in. Hopefully, tonight will set me back on that path. Once again, thanks for reading.
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