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Writer's picture: Jay JacobsonJay Jacobson

Life continues to change. I am in a very different place than I’ve been in a long time. I know most of my blogs to date have been very reflective, dealing with my observations about the creative process and life and such. I am suddenly finding myself in place where I’m not reflecting much at all – I’m in action mode. I don’t think I’ve been here before without some reflecting. I guess I’m evolving and changing – like life does. I haven’t written a blog in a long time because of this. And for those who’ve signed up for my newsletter – I haven’t sent one in a while. I decided not to bombard people with my newsletter – but to send it only when I have news of upcoming shows and things like that. If you haven’t signed up, please do at:

So instead of looking inward I’ve been focusing outward, and have been working hard on many things. One of the main things I’ve been working on is a one-man-show based on the music from both of my CDs. It will be different than a normal concert. Since I’m also an actor, it will be utilizing that part of my creativity as well as singing. To date, I’ve given two impromptu “work-in-progress” performances (the last one being just over a week ago), and the responses have been great! I’m not sure when the show will be finished, but most of my energy is focused on completing this show relatively soon. I’ll definitely post show information here and on my website when the show is up and running. 

I also recently joined Facebook. I have a few songs from both my CDs on my page. If you are on Facebook, please go to my page and become a fan!! Click here!

In addition, I’ve been in talks with a director to create a music video for one of the songs from “Ready”. Not sure when we will be finished with that, but I hope to have it on my site soon!

I was on vacation for New Years Eve, and actually slept through the new year (by accident). I think it is the first time since I was a child that I didn’t stay up until midnight to usher in the new year. Instead of feeling disappointed by it, I actually feel great! Something about doing it “my way” and not having to partake in the ritual feels very freeing! Like I’m calling the shots in my life, and doing what’s best for me. We’ll see if this is an inkling of how I’ll live this new year. 

To all of you reading this blog, I wish you all a great 2009. I hope it is a wonderful new beginning for us all. 

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