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Give Me Love

As noted in my previous blog, I have embarked on a new CD titled, “Travelogue”. It will feature songs inspired (in one way or another) by my travels around the world. Work on it continues, and the second song completed is a French flavored song titled, “Give Me Love”.

“Give Me Love” began innocently while walking on a downtown Los Angeles street. The weather was perfect – something Los Angeles was known for and is experiencing less and less. On this perfect day I couldn’t help but notice how many people were oblivious to the exquisite temperature, the chirping birds, and the beautiful light. Instead, they were intently engaged with their cell phones. It made me think about how much of life we don’t experience. How watching screens takes us out of the world, and brings isolation. It’s an interesting new world obsessed with sending texts, posting photos, seeking likes and followers. A feeling of disconnection came about, and I thought it would make a great song.

A memory of Paris

That feeling of disconnect brought me back to my last trip to France in October of 2011. It was in Paris, and the weather was clear and crisp and the city was beautiful. What came to mind was a local boulangerie just down the street from where I was staying, which I patronized for breakfast each morning. The same stout woman wearing an apron (perhaps the owner?) would wait on me each morning from behind the counter. We recognized each other each day, but she never smiled or made me feel welcome in her bakery. She was much more at ease with what seemed were the local Parisians. She always seemed kind of perturbed and impatient with me, as opposed to her light and friendly demeanor when interacting with her fluent French speaking customers. It definitely added a bit of discomfort and alienation to an otherwise gorgeous city.

Paris at night, 2011

Paris at Night, 2011

A song with a flavor of France is born

The Los Angeles walk and the memory of my Parisian breakfast haunt made it clear to me that the one thing we all need, and often don’t generate, is love. Thoughts about my past, feelings of loneliness that have come and gone throughout my life, living in this heightened technological world, and this need we all have for love, all came together, and the song, “Give Me Love” was born. To give the song a French accent (so to speak), my producer came up with the idea of adding an accordion to the chorus. It adds the just the right amount of bittersweetness and reflectiveness, capturing the emotion I was aiming for perfectly. A great complement to the chorus’ lyrics:

In a world so populated

Why do I feel isolated

With so many fast connections

Sitting in the palm of my own hand

Give me love

Always looking for creative expression, I’ve begun taking a series of photos for each of the songs to complement the CD. One is included here at the top (another, for the song “Travelogue”, appears at the beginning of the previous blog entry). I’m using artifacts from my travels and life in each photo to express the themes of each song. As I continue working on the CD and photographs I’ll continue to blog about it.

As always, thanks for reading, please subscribe, and stay tuned for more!

Song lyrics © Jay Jacobson

2,604 total views

Writer's picture: Jay JacobsonJay Jacobson

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Jay Jacobson embarks on a new CD influenced by his travels around the world, titled, “Travelogue”

Please forgive me for not writing a blog entry for so long. I do post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for those who want to keep up with some more daily type activities. Here, in this blog I’ll provide more in-depth information, so please stay tuned here, despite the less frequent posting.

A new CD is born!

I have begun work on a new CD! Soren (my music producer) and I met a while back and talked about working together on a new project. I wanted to do something different but wasn’t sure exactly what that would be. The need for me to express myself gets overwhelming at times, and it had been bubbling up inside me by the time we spoke. I had recently visited Bora Bora and Tahiti in French Polynesia, and was mentioning how travel is one of the most important and defining things in my life. Travel can open your world, your mind, your understanding, and your compassion. If it were possible, I think it should be required of every person around the world to visit a country other than their own.

I told Soren about a song I had written titled, “Travelogue” which is about how our lives are made up of a series of snapshots of sights, tastes, sounds, and smells. I’ve visited 32 counties to date, and thought perhaps we could use some of the influences from the places I’ve been as a starting point for each of the songs on the CD. Somehow use them as catalysts to express my story. I’d start with a local musical instrument, sound, lyric, or emotional connection I had to a place, and have that be the spark to ignite a song. Songs wouldn’t be about countries, but would be influenced by them (from the subtle to the obvious).

A new approach to work begins…

He loved that idea, and thus work on a new CD titled, “Travelogue” was born! I am approaching this one differently than any of my 5 other CDs. It is the first time I’ve started with a CD title and a concept for all the songs on a CD. Along side the music, I have ideas about incorporating some of the artifacts and souvenirs I’ve acquired from my travels into photographs and music videos for the songs. It is a project I’m very excited about, and one that definitely has my creative juices flowing!

It starts with the song “Travelogue”

The first song we delved into was the CD’s title song, “Travelogue”. It is a song that conceptually defines the CD and how travel can enhance one’s life. A visit to Machu Picchu in August of 2014, was a spiritually profound experience. There was something in the air there.

In majestic Machu Picchu, Peru

You could actually feel the overwhelming energy of the ancient peoples and civilization that were alive there hundreds of years ago. It was magical. Thus, a Peruvian flute felt like the perfect element to give the song that “worldliness”. The flute, along with some African drums, bring that “travelogue” feeling home in spades. The lyrics of the chorus define the importance of travel to me:

Don’t have the need for money or greed

They only bring isolation

Just supply me the stuff to give me enough

Towards my very next destination

Travelogue – My life is a travelogue

Travelogue – My life is a travelogue

And the bridge sums up the message of the song:

My tiime here is made up of sights, tastes and sounds

They’re the things I’ll remember as the lights all go down

Recording vocals for the song, “Travelogue”

As I keep working on songs from the “Travelogue” CD, I’ll keep blogging about them here. I’ve worked on 4 more songs so far, and I’ll be posting info on them as well, to bring you up to date.

Thanks for reading, and as always, for your support! Funny enough, it really means the world to me.

Song lyrics © Jay Jacobson

1,622 total views

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